Improve And Master Your Aerials With Drills, Skills, Strength & Flexibility And More!
Service Description
Join us for an Aerial Workshop at Flips & Tumbles, perfect for beginners and those looking to improve their Aerial skills. Our experienced coaches will teach you the fundamentals of Aerials and provide you with drills to help you achieve your goals. What Will Be Covered: > Drills For Side Aerials & Front Aerials > Strength Exercises > Flexibility Drills > And More! Whether you're close to landing or trying Aerials for the first time, this workshop is for you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your skills and have fun! This workshop is perfect for gymnasts and dancers trying to improve their skill set. Recommended for ages 5 years+
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please see our Terms of Use page on the website for full Terms & Conditions and the Credit, Refund Cancellation policy.
Contact Details
12 Musgrove Close, Wigram, Christchurch, New Zealand