What Is Bring A Friend?
Bring A Friend is a fantastic opportunity for our current term members to share the joy of their class with a friend!
When your friend signs up, both children will enjoy a special offer as a thank you for spreading the fun.
It's a win-win situation that makes learning even more enjoyable together!
- How It Works -
1. Select the Class Type Your Child Attends:
Choose the same class type as your child’s current enrolment (e.g. Recreational Tumbling, Standard Parkour).
2. Fill Out the Registration Form:
Enter your friend’s details, and make sure to select the exact class your child attends.
3. Submit and Confirm:
Complete the registration and wait for a confirmation email to secure their spot!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to seeing you and your friend!
Register Your Child's Friend!
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